Closet maniacs of the world unite! Cinema’s slashiest serial killer is back, and this time he’s playable. Announced via EGM, Friday The 13th will pit a team of terrified campers against the nigh-unstoppable spectre of one Jason Vorhees. One player hunts, while the rest attempt to stop him – a setup that typically entails marching to your doom in the order of most-to-least slutty. Well, maybe…

Pegged for a prospective October time release (um, Halloweenanyone?) Friday The 13th is currently in development at an unnamedstudio. Franchise creator Sean S. Cunningham is involved in the project andpromises fans that the title will remain faithful to the spirit of the originalslasher saga. Whether that involves shooting off into space and/or going all’two stooges’ with Freddy Krueger again, ala the Oscar-nominated Freddy vs. Jason, remains to be seen. 

“We have some exciting new ideas for a game that suppliesplenty of replay value, while delivering the kinds of thrills and scares thatfans of the franchise have come to expect,” says Cunnigham.

Despite this all-too brief description, it’s seemsreasonable to expect plenty of resource appropriation and barricade building,with some sort of risk/reward system thrown in, in order to force players outsidethe confines of their cabin and into Jason’s playground.

Mooted as a multi-platform experience – Friday…’s latest outing marks the franchise first foray into gaming for over 25 years, and though it won’t be directly tied in to the upcoming tv show of the same name, Cunningham promises to touch upon comparable themes in both. Just what these comparable themes are is also unknown, though you can bet at least one of them will concern massive underwear spoilage. 

With just the two official stills to work with, it may seem a tad premature to speculate, but when one of those two bears a strong resemblance to the art style of Telltale Games, well then – guesswork suddenly starts to look a lot more like mutant powered clairvoyance. *GamesRadar will strenuously deny all allegations of incorrect guesswork. We are always, absolutely 100% correct.* Of course, if this really is a secret Telltale project it would, in effect signal a brand new direction for the company. Cunningham’s description paints the picture of a game far more interactive than any of Telltale’s typical titles – a move that may have something to do with the creator’s reticence to name his dev team. Would fans of the franchise write off another Telltale adventure, given their relatively pedestrian pace? 

What do you make of this old school tie-in? Will it bebetter than 1989’s terrifyingly tedious effort? Will the game be produced by Telltale Games? Spill your guts in the comments section below.

Supply Gamesradar

Survive, sob, or slash at campers in the new Friday The 13th video game - App Review 4U

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