The problem, however, with emulating a show built to formula is that things inevitably end up a little repetitious. The scenery shifts and the cues change, but that only goes so far across season after season of battling samey legions of red-eyed putty stand-ins.

Mech fights, meanwhile, rapidly feel insubstantial; a simple try-your-luck combo system for hits and timing minigame for defence saved only from flimsiness by a few flashy special abilities. And while the script pokes fun at the intentionally terrible grammar of the narrator, there are enough genuine typos throughout to make the joke backfire.

But Chroma Squad was never intended to be taken too seriously or binge-watched, and most of these issues fade with adequate screen breaks. What’s more important is that Behold’s game is no poser, but rather a guilty pleasure that does more than just trade on its multi-coloured touchstones. It may never be zord – sorry, lord – of the turn-based strategy genre, but its easy-going charm should win it plenty of fans.

Supply Gamesradar

Chroma Squad review - App Review 4u

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