As such there’s a unique rhythm to the brand of air combat on offer here. Fights quickly become exercises in smooth timing, rather than slow positioning or tactical awareness. And it’s hard not to figuratively (or actually) fist pump with primal glee as the game celebrates your successes with pinging congratulations and swishing camera cuts to exploding bad guys.

Eventually you’ll crest over these good times, however, and end up wondering when the depth will kick in. There’s a selection of differing modifications to peruse during the prep for each stage, with a smidgey bit of tinkering required depending on whether you’re facing ground or air-based targets. The problem is that regardless of what you choose to kick the tyres with, you end up lighting all the same fires when it comes to getting your black box dirty.

Speaking of dirty, this is very much a re-working of a four year old game. The environments you rocket through can look distinctly ropey whenever you deign to get in close. Buildings are blocks of murk and it’s genuinely hard not to gawp incredulously at the mountainsides as you pass by. They’re so poorly textured that they would still look crap in one of those parental guide books which contain photos detailing the different consistencies of baby sick. 

So what’s new in this version, then? Well, sadly, the mathematical symbol at the top of this review refers to just two tangible things. First, the head-tracking 3D, made possible thanks to the New 3DS hardware. What was once a mere potential offering has become essential quality fuel. When you don’t have to worry about holding your machine in a head clamp to ensure stable 3D, swishing about without it is a non-option.

The less essential addition is the inclusion of the new C-stick to tweak the camera. Unless you’re really keen to see your amiibo-unlocked jet skins from every angle more than once, then there’s very little to get excited about there. Indeed, it was only through giving it a random poke to see what it did that I even came across the fact that it’s used at all.

Supply Gamesradar

Ace Combat Assault Horizon Legacy Plus review - App Review 4u

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